Thuis in Maastricht
Welcome to Maastricht’s online platform for community involvement. Here, you can find information about current plans, projects, activities, initiatives and developments in your neighbourhood, district, and across the city. It’s a space where you can contribute your ideas, get involved in discussions, and even take part in decision-making. You can vote on specific issues or join (online) meetings. You’ll also find stories and news to stay up-to-date with what’s happening in your community and the city.
Participation is constantly evolving – so is Thuis in Maastricht. This website is an ongoing project that's never finished. Do you have any ideas or suggestions? Feel free to contact us.
Plans and projects
The latest plans and projects are listed below. On the page 'Get involved' you'll find an overview of all ongoing plans and projects in Maastricht.

The areas and districts of Maastricht
Maastricht has 44 districts divided into 7 areas. You'll find more information about your area and district on the page about the area where you live.