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Thuis in Maastricht

Thuis in Maastricht (at home in Maastricht) is the participation platform of the city of Maastricht. On this website you'll find information about ongoing plans, projects, activities, initiatives and developments in your neighbourhood, district and city. We'll give you the opportunity to join the conversation and have your say, for example by inviting you to vote about a certain topic online or to attend an (online) meeting.

Participation is constantly evolving – so is Thuis in Maastricht.  This website is an ongoing project that's never finished. Do you have an idea or suggestion? Feel free to let us know by fill in the contact form.

Plans and projects

The latest plans and projects are listed below. On the page 'Get involved' you'll find an overview of all ongoing plans and projects in Maastricht.

View all plans and projects

The areas and districts of Maastricht

Maastricht has 44 districts divided into 7 areas. You'll find more information about your area and district on the page about the area where you live.