
In 2024, Maastricht is once again taking part in the NK Tegelwippen: a competition that aims to de-pave Dutch cities by exchanging as many garden tiles as possible for greenery. Join us for a chance to win fantastic prizes and to help make Maastricht greener and healthier. All you have to do is replace tiles in your garden with grass, plants or trees and submit your entry. The competition runs from 21 March to 31 October.

How to enter

The NK Tegelwippen is a great opportunity to green your garden or plant a facade garden. Submitting your entry works as follows:

  1. Remove tiles from your front, back or facade garden.
  2. Replace the tiles with greenery.
  3. Take a photo of the stack of removed tiles as proof.
  4. Submit your number of removed tiles with the photo via NK Tegelwippen | Meedoen (available in Dutch only).

Your tiles will then be added to the number of tipped tiles in the municipality of Maastricht.

Include some original photos of the hard work or your garden before and after for a chance to win great prizes.


The more creative or unique your photos, the better your chance of winning a NK Tegelwippen t-shirt, a garden gift pack, a garden voucher or the Publiekswipper Award. More information can be found on the NK Tegelwippen website (in Dutch only).

The Gouden Schep (Golden Shovel) will be awarded to the municipality that removes the most tiles per 1,000 residents, divided into 3 rankings. The municipality with the most removed tiles will get the Gouden Tegel (Golden Tile).


  • Only remove tiles from your own front, back, or facade garden.
  • Make sure you submit the correct number of tiles. The photo should show how many tiles you've removed.
  • No front garden? You can create a facade garden in Maastricht without a permit. A facade garden can be a maximum of 45 cm wide. Remember to leave at least 120 cm of space on the pavement. See the municipality's page on facade gardens (in Dutch only) for more information. 

Learn more

Visit the NK Tegelwippen website to learn more. Please note: the website is only available in Dutch.